YOU: Happily Fed
an Individualized non-diet Nutrition Program
The way I guide my clients through their personal nutrition journey is completely unique. It will be different than anything you’ve experienced before. The process is challenging but incredibly therapeutic. I am not going to tell you what to eat, how much or when. I will give you the tools you need to discover what works best for you. I want to hear about your diet and how it’s served you over the years. While I know we will discuss your body image and weight, I find it unethical to promote weight loss. Rather, we focus on health promoting behaviors that will last a lifetime.
I utilize various frameworks including Intuitive Eating, The Division of Responsibility in Feeding, Responsive Feeding and weight-neutral approaches to help you feed, embrace, and move the body you have now. The knowledge and tools you gain will last a lifetime.
What you will learn:
How to Ditch the Scale
Break Free from Diet Culture and diet mentality
Find Peace with Food
Body Love and Acceptance
How to Remove Food Guilt
Research-based nutrition strategies for Managing medical issues
How it works
Month 1:
week 1 - |Initial Consultation| 55 minutes
Week 2 - |Guided Game PLan| 55 minutes
Week 3 - |Follow-Up| 25 minutes
Week 4 - |Follow-up| 25 minutes
Month 2:
4, 25 minute follow up sessions (once per week)
Month 3:
2, 25 Minute Follow Up Sessions (Every other week)
Month 4:
2, 25 minute Follow Up Sessions (Every other week)
Month 5:
1, 25 minute follow up Session
Month 6:
1, 25 minute follow up session
*all graduates will be eligible for a 15% discount on additional follow-up sessions on an as needed basis.
What you get
|one-on-one professional guidance| |a client-centered plan of action| |individual support + attention|
|Homework assignments and Happily Fed educational Materials| |access to a private client portal|
New Client Application
Devrie Pettit, MS, RDN is not a physician. She does not diagnose. She rather, utilizes her expertise in nutrition and exercise to provide a client-centered plan of action. Please discuss your medical concerns with your doctor first.